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October's Very Own: The Complete Goddess Collection Guide

This collection is the culmination of my efforts to create cuticle oils that heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The five main Complete Goddess Cuticle Oils are each made with cold-pressed organic Jojoba Oil (to include all my babes with nut allergies); and each different oil has a signature essential oil blend that has proven to ease the symptoms of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The most common symptoms I was looking to help patients mitigate were: nausea, neuropathy, joint/muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety, dry skin, and mild infection. Every oil I created helps with all of these concerns in varying capacities, but each oil roller is focused on different symptoms for those people who may need more attention to one condition over others. 

The Complete Goddess Collection is named after my maternal grandmother and her four sisters who all had breast cancer (and Alzheimer's Disease in my grandmother's case). I wanted to make something that would honor my ancestors' journeys, as well as those of you who have a personal connection to this wretched disease, especially all my badass survivors. I felt it was only right to use the skills I already have to hopefully make that road a little bit easier to travel while going through treatment.


Named after sister #2, Florence is my peppermint cuticle oil, and has a twist of gardenia that makes this oil roller smell complex and gorgeous. The focus for this oil blend is nausea and neuropathy (nerve pain). Peppermint has been used for centuries because of its anti-nausea properties, which means you can either just sniff the oil or roll it behind the ears for instant relief. It's also is an excellent pain reliever (think muscles, joints, headaches, etc.) and anti-inflammatory agent, which means you can roll it on your whole body, not just your hands. And I chose Green Aventurine for Florence because of it's well documented assistance with improving the circulatory system; it's a stone that brings optimism and acceptance of change; and also has its own anti-inflammatory properties. 


Named after sister #5 (my grandmother and Lillian's identical twin), Vivian is my lavender cuticle oil and boasts anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Well known as an antioxidant, lavender essential oil is excellent at healing minor cuts and bruises, while helping to boost collagen production and blood circulation to keep skin healthy. Lavender makes a great sleep aid, since its fragrance induces tranquility and peace and assists those who suffer from insomnia. I chose Amethyst for Vivian because it has been used as a stone of peace and tranquility for ages. Amethyst assists with the oxygenation of the blood and boosting the immune system. When used on the forehead, Amethyst can even calm a busy brain and ease anyone suffering from insomnia or nervous stress. This "soul stone" makes an excellent gift for anyone going through a major transition, including terminal illnesses, as it helps support a greater understanding of life and the next steps on our journeys.


Named after sister #4 (and Vivian's identical twin), Lillian is my eucalyptus and ginger cuticle oil and is focused on pain relief and preventing inflammation. Eucalyptus is an ancient herb that has a multitude of uses including supporting immunity, being anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic (prevents muscle spasms). Ginger is also an ancient herb that’s been used to treat nausea, upset stomach, menstrual problems, and inflammation. I chose Lapis Lazuli for Lillian because that is the stone of learning, communication, and wisdom. It is often used to aid with improving circulation; balancing the endocrine and menstrual systems (hormones); and eases migraines/headaches from stress and inflammation.


Named after sister #3, Laura is my rosewood and roman chamomile cuticle oil and is focused on relieving anxiety and muscle pain. Rosewood essential oil has premier anti-depressant properties, in addition to relieving mild headaches and joint pain. It's also used to help with mild nerve pain and even possesses antiseptic properties. Chamomile is regularly used to help promote better sleep; reduce anxiety and stress; and balance your overall mood. I chose Rose Quartz for Laura because it is a stone that promotes positive sleep and protects against nightmares. It is also used to provide emotional support during a time of trauma. But most importantly, comfort and acceptance when faced with necessary change.


Named after sister #1, Beaulah (pronounced byoo-luh) is my bergamot cuticle oil and is focused on being anti-fatigue and anti-anxiety. Bergamot essential oil has been used in many cultures for boosting mood and preventing infection with its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Bergamot is one of the few essential oils that are highly recommended for anyone experiencing high anxiety and stress stemming from upcoming surgery and chemotherapy treatments. I chose Amazonite for Beaulah mainly because it has been called the "stone of courage" for centuries. Amazonite aids in cell regeneration, which includes improving the health of skin and nails. It's also often used to soothe minds filled with fear, worry, anxiety, and trauma.


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